having a little bit of trouble indexing parts of a list in Python 3. The prompt/question is below and I have already made the input text file.
Prompt: You are given a file called class_scores.txt, where each line of the file contains a oneword username and a test score separated by spaces, like below:
GWashington 83
JAdams 86
Write code that scans through the file, adds 5 points to each test score, and outputs the usernames and new test scores to a new file, scores2.txt.
Here is the code I've written so far:
lines = [line.strip() for line in open('class_scores.txt')]
scores = [line.split(' ') for line in lines]
newScores = open('class_newScores.txt', 'w')
The trouble is, when I try to write new values to the scores, the index is the whole line of the word instead of the score so I can't change it.
Eg the index will output: GWashington 83
Instead of: 83
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
scores = [line.split(' ') for line in lines]
will return you an array
['GWashington', '83']
What you want is
scores = [int(line.split(' ')[1]) for line in lines]
which returns
so that you can do arithmetic manipulations