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Management Studio doesn't show results from cursor

Ok, this might be an easy one, but I can't find a solution. I'm beginning to work with cursors in T-SQL and am playing around with them.

However I don't get my results back if I execute them in Management Studio via the Execute-Button. All I get is "Command executed successfully".

If I debug it I get the results and the next time I click on execute I also get the results...

Is there some kind of cache? Or am I doing it wrong?

Script looks like this:

    declare @po varchar(20), @prod varchar(50), @qty integer, @type varchar(20)

    declare db_cursor cursor for
    select product, po, qty, space(1) as btype from header
    for read only

    open db_cursor

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
      fetch db_cursor into @po, @prod, @qty, @type
      if @qty<1000
    set @type = 'small'
    set @type = 'large'
       print @type

close db_cursor
deallocate db_cursor

PS: naturally I used select before print, same issue.


  • Ah I see what you mean. On the first occasion the script below is run it produces results. On subsequent occasions nothing happens (unless you try in a new SSMS window).

        declare @po varchar(20), @prod varchar(50), @qty integer, @type varchar(20)
        declare db_cursor cursor for
        select name, name, number, space(1) as btype from master..spt_values
        for read only
        open db_cursor
        while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
        print 'y'
          fetch db_cursor into @po, @prod, @qty, @type
          if @qty<1000
        set @type = 'small'
        set @type = 'large'
           print @type
    close db_cursor
    deallocate db_cursor

    The problem is how you are checking the @@FETCH_STATUS value. This starts off at 0 in a new connection but your script leaves it at -1.

    You need to Fetch the first row before the loop. See this blog post for the normal pattern.