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Vue router: how to pass data to default/ initial route

I have a vue router config set up like so:

        name: 'home',
        path: '/',
        component: HomeComponent,
        props: true,

        name: 'detail',
        path: '/detail/:id',
        component: DetailComponent,
        props: true,

The app containing this config performs the followin:

  1. Queries an API for an object Foo
  2. Displays a header with some info from Foo
  3. Renders the default ("home") route with more info from Foo and a list of Bar items (contained in Foo) the user can click on to visit the detail route.

The problem is how can I pass the Foo data into the home route on first load? Since the API is part of the app component (as this.api - not a global) I can't hard code home's props inside the router config; and since I can't refer to this inside beforeRouteEnter, I can't use this.api to perform the request before routing to home.

I've tried:

  1. Passing the Foo via <router-view :foo="myFoo" /> - this had no effect whatsoever.
  2. Re-routing to home via this.$router.push() or this.$router.replace() once Foo is loaded. This likewise had no effect, even with $forceUpdate.

I've considered:

  1. Passing in data via next() inside the app's beforeRouteLeave() navigation guard. This strikes me as brittle at best since I will have to account for each specific route that gets a foo prop.
  2. Any number of horrible hacks involving secret hidden routes and other magic.

I also suspect I will face the same issue with any deep linking, since the app will have to also obtain a foo before handing it off to the per-route component.

So. How can I pass data from the top-level app via a prop to any given route at page load time?


  • It's not clear how exactly you are getting the Foo object, but assuming you are getting it inside of a mounted() hook in App.vue, you could send it to the Home component via Vuex store:

    Method 1


    mounted () { = getFoo()
    computed: {
      foo: {
        get () {
          return this.$
        set (value) {
          // commit or dispatch the object to store


    computed: {
      foo () {
        return this.$

    Method 2 - using an eventBus

    Create a file called eventBus.js:


    import Vue from 'vue'
    export const eventBus = new Vue()

    Import created eventBus in your main.js where you import Vue and add it to Vue prototype if you want to make it globaly available:


    import { eventBus } from './eventBus'
    Vue.prototype.$eventBus = eventBus


    mounted () { = getFoo()
      // Send foo via event bus


    data () {
      return {
        foo: {}
    mounted () {
      this.$eventBus.$on('transferFoo', data => { = data