I am setting up a Postgres database with Heroku, and I am trying to run heroku pg:psql
in Git Bash to connect to the database. It says it's connecting but it never connects. What is preventing heroku from connecting?
I have downloaded Postgresql 11 on my Windows machine. I've set up a database in data.heroku.com. I've taken the heroku CLI connect command from the credentials of my project and pasted that in. I have not yet modified the source code itself, perhaps that is something that I should do?
I expect it to say something along the lines of:
psql (9.5.3, server 9.5.3)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
(this is taken from the guide)
Instead, it just says Connecting to postgresql-cubed-myid
and it's been sitting like that for around 30 minutes. There's no error code either, it just says that connecting line and sits there. I can't exit git bash without closing the window either, ctrl-c does not work. How do I fix this?
Turns out I fixed it. I was using Git Bash as my terminal, which ended up not working. I switched to cmd and everything was fine.