I am trying to add some files from a server to a git repository. I am adding and committing the files, but when I push the files, no new files are in location. The following is the log information.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
new file: model0001_merged.out
new file: model0002_merged.out
new file: model0003_merged.out
new file: model0004_merged.out
new file: model0005_merged.out
new file: model0006_merged.out
new file: model0007_merged.out
new file: model0008_merged.out
new file: model0009_merged.out
new file: model0010_merged.out
new file: model0011_merged.out
new file: model0012_merged.out
new file: model0013_merged.out
new file: model0014_merged.out
new file: model0015_merged.out
new file: model0016_merged.out
new file: model0017_merged.out
new file: model0018_merged.out
new file: model0019_merged.out
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: ../models/materials.in
modified: ../run_batch.sh
when I push the data, I am receiving the following msg:
Username for https://github.com: ***
Password for https://***@github.com:
Everything up-to-date
May you let me know, how I can push the data to the repository?
From what I can see you need to commit the changes before you can push them, here's how you can do it:
git add .
which will add everything that either changed or it's new, if you'd like to add only certain files you can use git add <file_path>
or git add <folder_path>
git commit -m "commit message"
git commit
which will open an editor(generally vim or nano) and allow you to write the commit messageOnly after those 2 steps above you can push your code to the repository.