I'm using the Interpret and Evaluate methods from Project Academic Knowledge.
If you search for Composite(J.JN='jama')
and include J.JId
in the request, you'll get a response with the Id 172573765
"logprob": -14.823,
"prob": 3.651345212E-07,
"Id": 2107832644,
"J": {
"JId": 172573765
You can find more details about that journal by opening: https://academic.microsoft.com/journal/172573765
However, there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve that same information (Number of papers, number of citations, website, about) using the API. How can we get this (other than by accessing the URL of the journal)?
Project Academic Knowledge allows you to retrieve journal entities using the Evaluate method. The query is simply Id=JId. For example, to retrieve the journal name, publication and citation counts you'd use: https://api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/academic/v1.0/evaluate?subscription-key=SUBSCRIPTION_KEY&attributes=Id,JN,DJN,CC,PC&expr=Id=172573765
See the journal entity documentation page for a list of the available attributes you can request.