This is the scenario:
What happens when I click on the "Go live" button? Will the app be released on both tracks? Will I be able to pick? I'm scared to click on it because I don't want to release my app to production to production yet 😩
Also when the "Go live" button is blue does that mean that the app is approved or is it just that the build was processed and there is an additional review after that?
So I had to figure this out on my own:
When you hit "Go live" in this scenario BOTH VERSIONS (alpha/beta and production) ARE RELEASED.
Also when the "Go live" button is blue: yes, that does mean that the app is approved and will be released immediately.
So if you find yourself in this scenario as well you are out of luck and you have to release both versions. If you unpublish your app BOTH alpha/beta and production will be unpublished. They can't exist independently, isn't that brilliant huh?