I need to show multiple video files playing at same time.
so I have this code:
<b-row class="justify-content-md-center">
<li v-for="(video, index) in videoArray" :key='(video, index)'>
v-if=" index % 2 == 0 "
class="video-js vjs-custom-skin vjs-16-9"
controls autoplay loop preload="auto"
<source v-bind:src="require(`./storage/${video}`)" type="video/mp4">
<li v-for="(video, index) in videoArray" :key='(video, index)'>
v-if=" (index+1) % 2 == 0 "
class="video-js vjs-custom-skin vjs-16-9"
controls autoplay loop preload="auto"
<source v-bind:src="require(`./storage/${video}`)" type="video/mp4">
<div id="button">
<b-row class="justify-content-md-center">
<b-button @click="generalPlay" :pressed.sync="playStatus" variant="outline-light">Play All</b-button>
<b-button @click="stopPlay" :pressed.sync="playStatus" variant="outline-light">Stop All</b-button>
Video player intends to read data from data storage and play, as you can see, the player can read the video files and be ready, but I couldn't use single button to play all of them or pause all of them. When I tried to work it out, I realized I couldn't use button to trigger each element created by v-for, so I focus on how to pause all the files at same time.
I tried:
as shown, I added @canplay="updatePaused"
, @playing="updatePaused"
, @pause="updatePaused"
, and mount loop as well as corresponding method, it worked, but only for the last file, I can merely stop single video file playing.
then I use $ref
, even tried to read index of v-for, see whether it worked, but still fail.
export default {
name: 'player',
data () {
return {
videoElement: null,
videoArray: [],
mounted () {
let count = storageList.length;
while (count--) {
if(storageList[count].type == "video") {
//storageList is data storage file
methods: {
updatePaused(event) {
this.videoElement = event.target;
stopPlay: () => {
for( let index in this.videoArray ) {
I really don't know what I can do for this with my limited experience and knowledge of Vuejs, could anyone help me out here? Thanks !!
From what I understood you want to write the generalPlay and stopPlay methods.
It might be easier to query the video elements and stop them instead of storing their references.
stopPlay: () => {
let videoElements = this.$el.querySelectorAll('video')
for (let i = 0; i < videoElements.length; i++) {
videoElements[i].pause() // or videojs(videoElements[i]).pause()
And then do the same for the play but with videoElements[i].play() instead.
I don't quite know the videojs API, but an approach like this should work.