I'm trying to denormalise a "Country" document with "regionName" field corresponding to "name" of another "Region" document. My N1QL query is as below but it's not working
update test as t1 set regionName = (
select raw name from test as t2 where `_class`="Region"
) where `_class`="Country" and t1.regionCode=t2.code RETURNING *;
Any help?
N1QL doesn't have UPDATE JOINS. You can't USE SET CLAUSE subquery source in UPDATE WHERE clause.
Use Merge
MERGE test AS m
USING test AS s
ON s.`_class`="Region" AND m.`_class`="Country" AND m.regionCode=s.code
WHEN MATCHED THEN m.regionName = s.name;
CB 6.0
MERGE test AS m
USING (SELECT META(c).id, r.name
FROM test AS r
JOIN test AS c
ON r.`_class`="Region" AND c.`_class`="Country"
AND r.regionCode = c.code) AS s
ON KEY s.id
WHEN MATCHED THEN m.regionName = s.name;