I used to be able to do this in Net472, but run into an error when I tried to do the same in Netcoreapp3.1
enter code here
BrowsableAttribute theDescriptorBrowsableAttribute = (BrowsableAttribute)theDescriptor.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)];
FieldInfo browsablility = theDescriptorBrowsableAttribute.GetType().GetField("Browsable", BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Set the Descriptor's "Browsable" Attribute
browsablility.SetValue(theDescriptorBrowsableAttribute, isBrowsable);
browsablility returns null. it seems it is now a OnInitOnly and cannot be set.
Any idea? I just want to make the item visible or invisible based on attributes.
I finally resolve the problem by creating a custom attribute and set that attribute to true or false. and assign that custom attribute to propertgird.BrowsableAttribute