Env: Oracle 12c
Unsure of the following and require confirmation.
If I call a job_type PLSQL_BLOCK scheduled job that will execute from systdate + 30 secs that has an OUT parameter, I assume after the scheduled job has completed, I will then have access to the OUT param value, i.e. v_status
- is this correct based on below code example?
Just unsure when it comes to scheduled jobs.
create or replace package body my_package as
procedure get_status ( in_curr_id in number,
o_status out varchar2 ) is
select status
into o_status
from my_status_table
where curr_id = in_curr_id;
end get_status;
procedure process_task is
v_plsql varchar2(4000) := null;
v_status varchar2(10) := null;
v_curr_id number;
v_curr_id := 100;
v_plsql := 'begin get_status (in_curr_id => ' || v_curr_id || ',
o_status => ' || v_status || '); end;'
dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'my_scheduled_job',
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
job_action => v_plsql,
start_date => sysdate + NUMTODSINTERVAL(30, 'SECOND'),
enabled => true);
if v_status = 'OK' then
-- do required processing
end process_task;
end my_package;
As @Tejash points out there is nothing built into DBMS_SCHEDULER that will store values of out arguments in your block. You need to do it yourself.
Change this:
v_plsql := 'begin get_status (in_curr_id => ' || v_curr_id || ',
o_status => ' || v_status || '); end;'
to this:
v_plsql := 'declare s my_status_table.status%TYPE;
begin get_status (in_curr_id => ' || v_curr_id || ',
o_status => s);
insert into my_status_table (curr_id, status)
values (' || v_curr_id || ', s);