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Reference on same slide in beamer and with \pause

I have been searching for some automated way of numbering the references on the same slide in beamer Madrid with biblatex. This works fine with \pause and \footcite{}. But when I have multiple bullets on the same slide (e.g. 5), and I want to cite for the last point, the problem is that the reference appears from the very first slide. I want that the reference appears only when the relevant slide appears (i.e. 5th one in this case)

  • \documentclass{beamer}
  • \mode<presentation>{\usetheme{Madrid}}
  • \usepackage[style=verbose]{biblatex}

\only<2->{...} etc. is one solution but I think it is a lot of manual work to update all numbers on the slide when, for instance, I need to remove (or add) one point with a reference.



  • You don't need to update any numbers if you use relative overlays instead of absolute numbers:

                \item ABC \only<.->{\footcite{knuth:ct:a}}
                \item XYZ \only<.->{\footcite{knuth:ct:b}}