I'm looking to copy, resize, and move an image. This is simular to how wordpress creates different sizes of the images when you upload. I want this to be executable without uploading anything just running when you run the page.
$imagePath = 'http://example.com/images/myimageonserver.jpg';
$newImagePath = 'http://example.com/images/new/myimageonserver.jpg';
$newImageWidth = 300;
$newImageHeight = 200;
Does anyone know a script that will do this? Or some useful functions that can get this done.
I wrote this Class a while ago to wrap the GD library functions.
You can call it like:
$image = new Image('original/path/to.file', 'destination/of/resized.file');
$image->resize(300, 200);
This class no longer functions as explained above.
Here is a new example:
$image = new Image();