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How to use map function before fetch info React js

Im doing a home page with this structure

const Login: React.FC = () => {

  [ ... ]

  return (


          <IonSlides pager={false} options={slideOpts}>
    ,i) {
                return <IonSlide key={i} >
                        <IonCard onClick={Product}>
                          <IonImg src={item.urlImg}></IonImg>


The variable responseProducts.content.products is an array of products when i fetch a server api.

Im trying to fetch api to initialize the variable before the app starts :

const Login: React.FC = () => {
  /* this is the initialization of my variable with products*/
  let responseProducts : getProductsReponse;
  /* function to fetch the api*/
  useIonViewDidEnter(async () => {
    await fetchProducts();

  const fetchProducts = async() =>{
    await ProductService.getProducts()
      .then((products ) =>{
         responseProducts =;

  return (


          <IonSlides pager={false} options={slideOpts}>
    ,i) {
                return <IonSlide key={i} >
                        <IonCard onClick={Product}>
                          <IonImg src={item.urlImg}></IonImg>


But im getting this error with my vaiable with products :

Variable 'responseProducts' is used before being assigned


  • [Edit] : To display a different content while waiting for your data you could do something like that:

    if (!responseProducts) return <Loader />;
        return (

    But here you need to trigger the render of your component. Either put your products in a state and use setState, or handle the fetching in your parent and pass your products as propr (Still need a state).

    You need a default value for your responseProducts. You could use a useEffect hook and a useState hook to achieve this :

    const Login: React.FC = () => {
      const [products, setProducts] = useState({});
      const [didMount, setDidMount] = useState(false);
      useEffect(() => {
          // I don't know where this comes from so i'll use it like this, adapt if needed
          useIonViewDidEnter(async () => {
            await fetchProducts();
        } else {
          !didMount && setDidMount(true);
      /* this is the initialization of my variable with products*/
      let responseProducts: getProductsReponse;
      /* function to fetch the api*/
      const fetchProducts = async () => {
        await ProductService.getProducts().then((products) => {
          // responseProducts =;
          const data: getProductsReponse =;
      // You could even put a different return (a loader for exemple) while your data arent available
      return (
            <IonSlides pager={false} options={slideOpts}>
              {/* this is now strange, you can adapt what you put in your state */}
              {, i) => {
                return (
                  <IonSlide key={i}>
                    <IonCard onClick={Product}>
                      <IonImg src={item.urlImg}></IonImg>