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How to display data in Label from data store in Sencha Touch

I want to display data that i receive from a data store. One way that i have tried, is to take a text field make it disabled and then set its value with store data. But i don't think it is the correct solution so i am trying to use label instead and I am not getting how it can be done. Can you guys can point me to correct way of doing it.? Any help appreciated .

Thanks, Mehul Makwana.


  • I recently tried to solve this problem by creating a 'label' form component. I posted about it in a blog article I wrote on Sencha/PhoneGap. Here is the code:

    Ext.form.LabelField = function(config){, config);
    Ext.extend(Ext.form.LabelField, Ext.form.Field,  {
        isField: true,
        value: '',
        renderSelectors: {fieldEl: '.x-form-labelfield'},
        renderTpl: [
           '<tpl if="label">',
               '<div class="x-form-label"><span>{label}</span></div>',
           '<div class="x-form-label x-form-labelfield" style="width:70%; text-align:right"><span>{value}</span></div>',
        setValue:function(val) {
            this.value = val;
                 this.fieldEl.update('<span>' + val + '</span>');
            return this;
    Ext.reg('labelfield', Ext.form.LabelField);

    Let me know if this does the trick.