I am using .gitignore for a C# solution and I'd like to ignore a file that's generated on build, to stop it getting checked in. The only consistent parts of the file name are the start and the end. Example:
It always begins with "Cloud.Core" and ends with ".xml". It could have various connotations in between, such as:
What mask should I add to my gitignore to bypass a file which has a start/end as described?
I've tried these and a few other variations with luck:
I know gitignore uses globbing but I can't seem to work out the correct combination I need: http://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x11655.htm
Thanks for any pointers in advance.
Posting answer supplied by @blami
Setting "Cloud.Core*.xml" ignored the file as expected. This was the solution for me!