What is the best way to rewrite \sum_(i...) (F i - G i)
as (\sum_(i...) F i - \sum_(i...) G i)
on ordinals with bigop
, assuming that underflows are properly managed?
More precisely, regarding these underflows, I'm interested in the following lemma:
Lemma big_split_subn (n : nat) (P : 'I_n -> bool) (F G : 'I_n -> nat) :
(forall i : 'I_n, P i -> G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i < n | P i) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i < n | P i) F i - \sum_(i < n | P i) G i.
It seems that big_split
should work for an addition (or subtraction in Z, using big_distrl
with -1), but I need to use it for a subtraction on (bounded) naturals.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
If I correctly parse your question, you focus on the following equality:
forall (n : nat) (F G : 'I_n -> nat),
\sum_(i < n) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i < n) F i - \sum_(i < n) G i.
Obviously, given the behavior of the truncated subtraction (_ - _)%N
, this statement doesn't hold as is, we need an hypothesis saying that no (F i - G i)
cancels, in order to prove the equality.
Hence the following statement:
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat fintype bigop.
Lemma question (n : nat) (F G : 'I_n -> nat) :
(forall i : 'I_n, G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i < n) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i < n) F i - \sum_(i < n) G i.
Then you're right that big_split
is not applicable as is, and moreover starting over from the proof of big_split
can't be successful, as we get:
move=> Hmain.
elim/big_rec3: _ => [//|i x y z _ ->].
(* 1 subgoal
n : nat
F, G : 'I_n -> nat
Hmain : forall i : 'I_n, G i <= F i
i : ordinal_finType n
x, y, z : nat
F i - G i + (y - x) = F i + y - (G i + x)
and we are stuck because there is no hypothesis on (y - x)
However, it is possible to prove the lemma by relying on a "manual induction", combined with the following lemmas:
Check big_ord_recl.
big_ord_recl :
forall (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : R -> R -> R) (n : nat) (F : 'I_n.+1 -> R),
\big[op/idx]_(i < n.+1) F i =
op (F ord0) (\big[op/idx]_(i < n) F (lift ord0 i))
Search _ addn subn in ssrnat.
(see also https://github.com/math-comp/math-comp/wiki/Search)
In particular, here is a possible proof of that result:
Lemma question (n : nat) (F G : 'I_n -> nat) :
(forall i : 'I_n, G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i < n) (F i - G i) = \sum_(i < n) F i - \sum_(i < n) G i.
elim: n F G => [|n IHn] F G Hmain; first by rewrite !big_ord0.
rewrite !big_ord_recl IHn // addnBAC // subnDA //.
rewrite -subnDA [in X in _ = _ - X]addnC subnDA.
congr subn; rewrite addnBA //.
exact: leq_sum.
EDIT: the generalization could indeed be done using this lemma:
: forall (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : Monoid.com_law idx) (I J : finType)
(h : J -> I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R),
{on [pred i | P i], bijective h} ->
\big[op/idx]_(i | P i) F i = \big[op/idx]_(j | P (h j)) F (h j)
however it appears not as straightforward as I expected: FYI below is an almost-complete script − where the two remaining admits deal with the bijection property of the reindexation functions, hoping that this helps (also it seems a few lemmas, such asmem_enumT
and filter_predI
, might be added in MathComp, so I'll probably open a PR to propose that):
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Lemma mem_enumT (T : finType) (x : T) : (x \in enum T).
Proof. by rewrite enumT mem_index_enum. Qed.
Lemma predII T (P : pred T) :
predI P P =1 P.
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite /predI /= andbb. Qed.
Lemma filter_predI T (s : seq T) (P1 P2 : pred T) :
filter P1 (filter P2 s) = filter (predI P1 P2) s.
elim: s => [//|x s IHs] /=.
case: (P2 x); rewrite ?andbT /=.
{ by rewrite IHs. }
by case: (P1 x) =>/=; rewrite IHs.
Lemma nth_filter_enum
(I : finType) (P : pred I) (s := filter P (enum I)) (j : 'I_(size s)) x0 :
P (nth x0 [seq x <- enum I | P x] j).
suff: P (nth x0 s j) && (nth x0 s j \in s) by case/andP.
rewrite -mem_filter /s /= filter_predI.
under [filter (predI P P) _]eq_filter do rewrite predII. (* needs Coq 8.10+ *)
exact: mem_nth.
Lemma big_split_subn (n : nat) (P : 'I_n -> bool) (F G : 'I_n -> nat) :
(forall i : 'I_n, P i -> G i <= F i) ->
\sum_(i < n | P i) (F i - G i) =
\sum_(i < n | P i) F i - \sum_(i < n | P i) G i.
move=> Hmain.
(* Prepare the reindexation on the indices satisfying the pred. P *)
set s := filter P (enum 'I_n).
set t := in_tuple s.
(* We need to exclude the case where the sums are empty *)
case Es: s => [|x0 s'].
{ suff Hpred0: forall i : 'I_n, P i = false by rewrite !big_pred0 //.
move: Es; rewrite /s; move/eqP.
rewrite -[_ == [::]]negbK -has_filter => /hasPn HP i.
move/(_ i) in HP.
apply: negbTE; apply: HP; exact: mem_enumT.
(* Coercions to go back and forth betwen 'I_(size s) and 'I_(size s).-1.+1 *)
have Hsize1 : (size s).-1.+1 = size s by rewrite Es.
have Hsize2 : size s = (size s).-1.+1 by rewrite Es.
pose cast1 i := ecast n 'I_n Hsize1 i.
pose cast2 i := ecast n 'I_n Hsize2 i.
set inj := fun (i : 'I_(size s).-1.+1) => tnth t (cast1 i).
have Hinj1 : forall i : 'I_(size s).-1.+1, P (inj i).
{ move=> j.
rewrite /inj (tnth_nth (tnth t (cast1 j)) t (cast1 j)) /t /s in_tupleE /=.
exact: nth_filter_enum. }
have Hinj : {on [pred i | P i], bijective inj}.
{ (* example inverse function; not the only possible definition *)
pose inj' :=
(fun n : 'I_n => if ~~ P n then @ord0 (size s).-1 (* dummy value *)
else @inord (size s).-1 (index n (filter P s))).
exists inj'; move=> x Hx; rewrite /inj /inj'.
admit. admit. (* exercise left to the reader :) *)
(* Perform the reindexation *)
rewrite !(reindex inj).
do ![under [\sum_(_ | P _) _]eq_bigl do rewrite Hinj1]. (* needs Coq 8.10+ *)
apply: question => i; exact: Hmain.
all: exact: Hinj.