I have Gridgain three node cluster and also running Gridgain web console agent and web console on all three nodes. It is all hosted on Windows Server.
I would like to load balance My web console. The problem is I don't know how to share user registration database which it stores in a work directory. Can I use external database to store all that information so that my cluster uses the same database?
There is a problem with Web Console Agent as well. How do I share tokens stored in default.properties?
There is no definitive guide on how to create a cluster for web console for high availability.
Can someone please guide me on how can I form a cluster for a Web console sharing its user store and tokens?
If you are looking for multi-cluster support, take a look at documentation: https://www.gridgain.com/docs/web-console/latest/multi-cluster-support
If you are looking for agent fault-tolerance: just start several agents. Fisrt agent will process all messages, other will be in the hot-stand-by mode.
If you are looking for connection fault-tolerance between agent and cluster (if cluster node failed that is a connection point for agent, Web Console will loose connection to cluster), just specify several nodes addresses as comma-separated list for "node-uri" parameter (in default.properties or as command-line argument).
For example:
Hope this helps.