I have a top 5 of Customers by year and I want to create a query that gets this information per year in different years at the same time, I mean:
on columns,
non empty
[Dim Cliente].[Company Name].Children,5,[Measures].[Ventas]
on rows
[DWH Northwind]
[Dim Tiempo].[Año].&[1996]
TOP 5 1996
Could I get Top 5 of 1996 and 1997 together separated per year?
You could use the Generate function as following:
[Measures].[Ventas] on columns,
non empty Generate(
{ [Dim Tiempo].[Año].&[1995], [Dim Tiempo].[Año].&[1996] } as yy,
topcount (yy.currentMember * [Dim Cliente].[Company Name].Children,5,[Measures].[Ventas])
) on rows
from [DWH Northwind
This way you could retrieve the TOP 5 for each available years the same way:
[Measures].[Ventas] on columns,
non empty Generate(
[Dim Tiempo].[Año].members as yy,
topcount (yy.currentMember * [Dim Cliente].[Company Name].Children,5,[Measures].[Ventas])
) on rows
from [DWH Northwind
Hope that helps.