I´m using Google´s node.js API Library to send product data to google merchant center. In about 30% of the requests i get the following errors:
I think the reason might be that the requests are send to fast and the quota limits of the API are hit. Which method can I use to limit the number of requests to the API? I´ve tried
setTimeout(() => { null }, 3000);
every time before the API request is send, but it looks like it doesn´t change anything.
Here´s the solution to that issue. I´ve added a wait method which returns a Promise.
while((batchOffset + batchSize) <= products.length) {
const entries = [];
const productsBatch = products.slice(batchOffset, (batchOffset+batchSize));
// Wait between API calls to avoid hitting Google API quota limits
await this.wait(100);
// Send a batch of n products to Google content API
requestBody: {
entries: entries,
(err, res) => {
// handle err and response
if (err !== null || res.status !== 200) {
} else {
private wait(ms: number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))