We have designed an ansible playbook for nodes on which Ubuntu is installed.
Now we have to play the same Playbook on new machines (node) for a different customer who uses Centos.
The problem is that for Centos, Ansible uses Yum module (which use yum package manager to install module). In our actual playbook, we are obviously using apt module.
What is recommended by Ansible to better manage this scenario?
A common approach is writing one playbook for multiple distros with a number of conditions inside the playbook or just separate distro-specific tasks into different files and include these files into the main role like this
# Perform distro-specific tasks.
- include_tasks: setup-"{{ ansible_distribution }}".yml
Thus in files setup-Ubuntu.yml
, setup-CentOS.yml
etc you will keep all the actions specific to a particular Linux. Please also see Geerlingguy's roles like this one as a suitable example.
In the case you want just install or remove a package without using more sophisticated abilities from apt or yum, you may use package module which is rather simple but if thats enough for you then you will get the same code for different Linux flavours.
Also, you need to take into account that in Ubuntu and CentOS many files (including configuration files and program binaries) are located in different places. So if you decide to work with the package module, you may deal with distro-specific things by using external files in a manner like this:
- name: Load a variable file based on the OS type, or a default if not found.
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_distribution }}-vars.yaml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family }}-vars.yaml"
- default-vars.yaml
After this task, you can use variables defined in the mentioned files initialised with values specific to your platform like this
- name: Apply some config template
src: my_config_template.j2
dest: "{{ distro_specific_destination }}"
validate: "{{ distro_specific_command }} %s"