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How can I only use Github to save versions of my code as I continuously develop?

I am a single developer that creates python programs to automate my work. I often update the code as work duties change or I find improvements. I want to have a cloud-based version control like Github but I don't want all of the other capabilities that the tutorials seem to push me through. I want to write code on my computer, save a copy to github, update code on computer, update the copy on Github, etc. I don't need to clone, fork, pull, work in teams, develop on multiple computers, etc. Is there a simple way to push changes directly to a Github repository without Git?

I am using PyCharm Community Edition with Python 3.7 Windows 10


  • Just because you want simplicity, install GitHub desktop.

    1) Create a repository in GitHub.

    2) Enter the repo link in GitHub desktop and press the clone button to download it.

    3) Write your code

    4) To upload, just click commit and push button

    Nothing else that you need to know and worry about