Search code examples

execute script when directory listing by .htaccess

I have a http server (apache HTTPD v2.4) where directory listing is enabled. I configured it to use the 'fancy-index' from, and works great. However, its searching function didn't give what I was looking for.

I'd like to configure the webserver such that if I goto*?list, it will return a list of all the files in someDir in a "file, filesize" format.

Or, if I goto*.txt?list , I'll get a custom list of all essay2020*.txt files. Or some form of a simple regex: say "essay2020[0-2]*.txt".

I can write a php/perl/python script that can read a directory and return the 'file, filesize' list. But how do I configure the .htaccess to call this script? Do I have to muck around with 'RewriteRule'? or something special?

As an added note, I'm not limited to modifying .htaccess only. If I can do all of this by modifying the httpd.conf, I'm open to that suggestion too.



  • The answer in Comments by CBroe did it. By just modifying the apache2.conf file to add:

            RewriteEngine on
            RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^list$
            RewriteRule .* /search.php?path=%{REQUEST_URI}

    within my <VirtualHost>, I'm now able to forward everything to search.php, where there I can parse and do what needs to be done. All w/o revealing search.php's existence. Thanks.