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React - Center and resize font awsome icon

So, I am making a widget component in react, and I need to add an icon that needs to be centered. I have this code:

<div  className={classes.textCenter}>
    <i className={"fas fa-lungs fa-2x"} />

But I get this:

enter image description here

See that the enclosing element (the i tag) is centered, but the icon is bigger.

I also have the following jss code:

"& .fab,& .fas,& .far,& .fal,& .material-icons": {
    position: "relative",
    display: "inline-block",
    top: "0",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    textAlign: "center"

but that doesn't appear to be making any difference.

Thanks in advance.


  • Please try this for the parent div -:

        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;

    Also please remove any existing icon classes.