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PHP - Alternatives to runkit for intercepting method calls

I have some very test-unfriendly code (to say the least) that I need to test. Refactoring unfortunately is not an option. I have to test the code as it is, without the possibility of changing it.

To do that, I was thinking of intercepting function calls and dynamically change what they do so I can run my tests, as I need some functions and methods to return known values, and I need others that make requests, connect to the database, etc, to stop doing that and return what I need them to return. Is there any way to do this without runkit_method_redefine(), which is preferably not "EXPERIMENTAL" and still maintained? Maybe an alternative to runkit? Maybe a better way?

Edit: will use PHPUnit's test doubles and PHP 5.3.2's features for making private methods accessible, if I need that functionality.


  • Note: the Test-Helper extension is superseded by

    PHPUnit's Test Helper extension (PECL) allows redefiniton/intercepting/stubbing/mocking of hardcoded dependencies with your own implementations:

    protected function setUp()
          'Bar',                    /* name of class to mock     */
          array('doSomethingElse'), /* list of methods to mock   */
          array(),                  /* constructor arguments     */
          'BarMock'                 /* name for mocked class     */
        set_new_overload(array($this, 'newCallback'));

    It also allows intercepting the exit statement and instance creation:

    For stubbing and mocking methods you simply use PHPUnit's regular mocking framework. See

    You can also use Mockery with PHPUnit:

    Another option would be to use

    Patchwork is a PHP library that makes it possible to redefine user-defined functions and methods at runtime, loosely replicating the functionality runkit_function_redefine in pure PHP 5.3 code, which, among other things, enables you to replace static and private methods with test doubles.