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How to change the priority function of Priority Queue in Python?

I want to implement Djikstra's algorithm in Python. Thus, when I store nodes of a graph in a priority Queue, I want them to be sorted in the order of their distances from the source node. How can I change the priority function so that the nodes are sorted in this way? I am using the PriorityQueue Class in the queue module. By default, the integers entered are sorted in descending order, i.e., the priority of the smallest element is the highest. I want to enter a priority function which sorts nodes on the basis of the distance attribute in the node object. Following is the node class - class node node distance Can someone help me out here?


  • As the documentation explains, PriorityQueue's in python do not seem to accept custom comparison functions. However, you can use min and a regular list to achieve what you want since the min function call accepts a key function that decides what the smallest item is.

    class node():
        def __init__(self, dist):
            self.dist = dist
    def get_dist(node):
        return node.dist
    nodes = [node(4), node(413), node(2), node(14), node(5)]
    out = min(nodes, key=get_dist)
    print('popped out:', out.dist) # popped out: 2
    out = min(nodes, key=get_dist)
    print('popped out:', out.dist) # popped out: 4
    out = min(nodes, key=get_dist)
    print('popped out:', out.dist) # popped out: 5