I need to search through all the files in a directory and sub directories to match any of the numbers in the reg exp. Basically in our code we have blocks of code based on certain project numbers. I need to find these blocks by project number. This regular expression does what I need but I cannot get it to work at the command line
I tested this on https://www.freeformatter.com/regex-tester.html against this string "If session.projid = 56 and then again 14 or something else"
I am trying this at the command line
findstr /s /R /C:"([^0-9]|^)(56|14|2)([^0-9]|$)" *.*
But no results and I know there should be. Thanks in advance for any help on this.
See these docs:
FINDSTR does not support alternation with the pipe character (|) multiple Regular Expressions can be separated with spaces, just the same as separating multiple words (assuming you have not specified a literal search with /C) but this might not be useful if the regex itself contains spaces.
In your case, you may use \<
/ \>
word boundaries with each number and you may specify all your alternatives after a space:
findstr /s /r "\<56\> \<14\> \<2\>" *.*