I am really stuck. My div contains fixed size divs, texts and images with a lot of pixel based positioning. How can I just wrap them in another div and make them scale to fit the wrapper?
This might be very similar: https://css-tricks.com/scaled-proportional-blocks-with-css-and-javascript/
Using @Gershom's snippet, but keeping aspect ratio
let scaledWrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('scaled-wrapper')[0];
let applyScaling = scaledWrapper => {
// Get the scaled content, and reset its scaling for an instant
let scaledContent = scaledWrapper.getElementsByClassName('scaled-content')[0];
scaledContent.style.transform = 'scale(1, 1)';
let { width: cw, height: ch } = scaledContent.getBoundingClientRect();
let { width: ww, height: wh } = scaledWrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
// let scaleAmtX = ww / cw;
// let scaleAmtY = wh / ch;
let scaleAmtX = Math.min(ww / cw, wh / ch);
let scaleAmtY = scaleAmtX;
scaledContent.style.transform = `scale(${scaleAmtX}, ${scaleAmtY})`;
// ---- The rest of the code is just for the demonstration ui ----
let change = () => {
let w = parseInt(wInp.value);
let h = parseInt(hInp.value);
if (!isNaN(w)) scaledWrapper.style.width = `${w}px`;
if (!isNaN(h)) scaledWrapper.style.height = `${h}px`;
scaledWrapper.getElementsByClassName('scaled-content')[0].innerHTML = textInp.value;
let wInp = document.createElement('input');
wInp.setAttribute('placeholder', 'input parent width in px');
wInp.addEventListener('input', change);
wInp.value = '100';
let hInp = document.createElement('input');
hInp.setAttribute('placeholder', 'input parent height in px');
hInp.addEventListener('input', change);
hInp.value = '100';
let textInp = document.createElement('input');
textInp.setAttribute('placeholder', 'input text content');
textInp.addEventListener('input', change);
textInp.value = 'abc';
.wrapper-wrapper {
box-sizing: border-box;
border: solid 2px blue;
position: relative;
.scaled-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 100px; height: 100px;
outline: 1px solid red;
z-index: 1;
.scaled-content {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: inline-block;
transform-origin: 0 0;
background-color: #ffd0d0;
z-index: -1;
<div class="wrapper-wrapper">
<div class="scaled-wrapper">
<div class="scaled-content">abc</div>