This method submits a simple HTTP request and calls a success or error callback just fine:
void _getSimpleReply( String command, callback, errorCallback ) async {
try {
HttpClientRequest request = await _myClient.get( _serverIPAddress, _serverPort, '/' );
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
response.transform( utf8.decoder ).listen( (onData) { callback( onData ); } );
} on SocketException catch( e ) {
errorCallback( e.toString() );
If the server isn't running, the Android-app more or less instantly calls the errorCallback.
On iOS, the errorCallback takes a very long period of time - more than 20 seconds - until any callback gets called.
May I set for HttpClient() a maximum number of seconds to wait for the server side to return a reply - if any?
You can use timeout
const Duration(seconds: 1),
onTimeout: () {
// Time has run out, do what you wanted to do.
return http.Response('Error', 408); // Request Timeout response status code