I'm relatively new to kotlin and I can't get my head around spring autowiring
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property applicationContext has not been initialized
I got the above error while running this:
internal class MeterResourceAdapterTest () {
private lateinit var applicationContext: ApplicationContext
fun toMeterReadingResourceList() {
.....//I hope my implementation can be ignored
What is going on here? Why, incidentally, is lateinit required, and WHEN does 'it' get initialised?
@Stav Shamir's comment lead me to this resolution.
I can't say for sure what caused this, but it was almost certainly to do with an older version of junit, I had in my pom.xml. When I created a new project, via the initialisier, then copied that pom's contents ( < dependencies/ > ) into my pom; all went smoothly.