I can get the uid of an email that has a certain header value like this:
res, tmp = self.mail.uid('search', None, '(HEADER Message-ID "<123.456.789@localhost>")')
Then, tmp becomes
But I get that Message-ID value from a file, store the value into a variable(msg_ID), and give the msg_ID variable as an input.
When I try the above one like:
tmp = "<123.456.789@localhost>"
res, tmp = self.mail.uid('search', None, '(HEADER Message-ID tmp)')
tmp returns an empty list
, which means that it failed to search the target email.
How can I give an appropriate input with a variable?
In your example you're sending the actual string tmp
- it won't be expanded inside the string magically.
You also lack the other formatting around the string, which should be added to make them identical:
'(HEADER Message-ID "' + tmp + '")'
That way your strings will actually be identical and it should work as you expect. As your code is written you're just asking for the email with the Message-ID literally set to tmp