This question is linked to this one :
Is it possible to hint the type of the items inside a returned array ?
e.g. :
* MyFunction does a lot of things
* @param TClass1 $var1
* @param TClass2 $var2
* @return array[TClass3] //<- I'm trying to express this
function MyFunction( $var1, $var2 ){
I am using NetBeans as an IDE, which takes (like many other PHP IDEs) advantage of the doc blocs above functions to determine the type of returned values.
If I could explain what type is expected inside an array, I could hope for the IDE to be able to offer correct completion for the following case :
$myTab = MyFunction( $foo, $bar );
foreach( $myTab as $itm ){
$itm->myFi| //offer the completion for a TClass3 object
@return TClass3[]
@return TClass3[]|TClass3