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Need a text box help in PerlTk

I need a text box setting in perlTk such that i can enter 2 digit number with automatically added separator.

Eg. if there are 5 entries of two digits number namely 52, 25, 69, 45, 15, in text box if i enter these five 2 digits numbers the separator (-) should automatically added after every two digit entry.

and final entry would look like 52 - 25 - 69 - 45 - 15 Please not that separator should automatically inserted.

This is somewhat similar to below gif. enter image description here


  • Here is an example of how you can register a callback to be called when a key is pressed in an entry widget. You can use this callback to insert a dash automatically when needed.

    Here I am using the bind() method to register keypress events on a Tk::Entry widget, I also use -validatecommand to ensure the user does not type in more than 14 characters:

    use feature qw(say);
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Tk;
        my $mw = MainWindow->new(); 
        my $label = $mw->Label(
            -text    => "Enter serial number",
            -justify => 'left'
        )->pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'w', -padx => 1, -pady =>1);
        my $entry = $mw->Entry(
            -width           => 14,
            -state           => "normal",
            -validate        => "key",
            -validatecommand => sub { length( $_[0] ) <= 14 ? 1 : 0 } 
            -side            => 'bottom',
            -anchor          => 'w',
            -fill            => 'x',
            -expand          => 1,
        $entry->bind( '<KeyPress>', sub { validate_entry( $entry ) } );
    sub validate_entry {
        my ( $entry ) = @_;
        my $cur = $entry->get();
        my @fields = split "-", $cur;
        my $last_field = pop @fields;
        for my $field ( @fields ) {
            if ( (length $field) != 2 ) {
                say "Bad input";
        my $num_fields = scalar @fields;
        if ( $num_fields < 4 ) {
            if (length $last_field == 2 ) {
                $entry->insert('end', '-');