I have following code snippet inspired by my original code:
func2 <- function(foos) {
for (foo in foos)
print(eval(parse(text = foo)))
func1 <- function(vec) {
text3_obj <- 'text3'
vec <- c(vec, c('text3_obj'))
text1_obj <- 'text1'
text2_obj <- 'text2'
func1(c('text1_obj', 'text2_obj'))
Here in main code I am creating 2 objects (text1_obj
& text2_obj
) and passing their names to func1()
. This function after adding another object in vector, calls func2()
. In func2()
I am simply printing the values of the objects. Below is the output of this code:
[1] "text1"
[1] "text2"
Error in eval(parse(text = foo)) : object 'text3_obj' not found
After going in debug mode I realized even exists('text3_obj')
from inside func2()
throws error. so I have 2 questions:
is immediate parent environment of func2()
; why text3_obj
is not parseable inside func2()
. Even higher up global environment variables are parseable e.g. text1_obj
.exists('text3_obj', where = parent.frame())
and eval(parse(text = 'text3_obj'), parent.frame())
You are confusing the "calling environment" with the "enclosing environment." Check out these terms in Hadley's book "Advanced R."
The "calling environment" is the environment from which a function was called, and is returned by the unfortunately-named function parent.frame
. However, the calling environment is not used for lexical scoping.
The "enclosing environment" is the environment in which a function was created and is used for lexical scoping. You have created both func1
and func2
in the global environment. Therefore, the global environment is the "enclosing environment" for both functions and will be used for lexical scoping regardless of the calling environment!!
If you want func2
to use the execution environment of func1
for lexical scoping, you have (at least) two options. You can create func2
within func1
func1 <- function(vec) {
func2 <- function(foos) {
for (foo in foos)
print(eval(parse(text = foo)))
text3_obj <- 'text3'
vec <- c(vec, c('text3_obj'))
then your test works as expected:
> text1_obj <- 'text1'
> text2_obj <- 'text2'
> func1(c('text1_obj', 'text2_obj'))
[1] "text1"
[1] "text2"
[1] "text3"
[1] "text1_obj" "text2_obj" "text3_obj"
Alternatively, you can create func2
and reassign it's "enclosing environment" from within func1
func2 <- function(foos) {
for (foo in foos)
print(eval(parse(text = foo)))
func1 <- function(vec) {
text3_obj <- 'text3'
vec <- c(vec, c('text3_obj'))
environment(func2) <- environment()
This will also work as expected.
An interesting tidbit I found while writing my demonstration code... It appears that when you re-assign the environment of func2
from within func1
, R creates a copy of func2
in the execution environment of func1
. By the time you get back to the console, the enclosing environment of the original func2
remains unchanged. Witness:
a = function() {
print(identical(environment(a), globalenv()))
b = function(x) {
environment(a) <- environment()
Test a()
and b()
> a()
[1] TRUE
> b()
> a()
[1] TRUE
This was not what I expected, but seems like really excellent behavior on the part of R. If this were not the case, the enclosing environment of a()
would have been permanently changed to the execution environment of b()
, and FALSE
should have been returned the second time a()
is called.
If fact, it turns out you can force the change to the original a()
in the global environment using <<-
a = function() {
print(identical(environment(a), globalenv()))
b = function(x) {
# set a variable in the execution environment of b() for use later...
montePython = "I'm not dead yet!!"
# change the enclosing environment of a() in the global environment
# rather than making a local copy of a() in b()'s execution environment.
environment(a) <<- environment()
Test a()
and b()
> a()
[1] TRUE
> b()
> a()
Interestingly, this means that the (normally temporary) execution environment of b()
persists in memory even after b()
terminates, because a()
still references the environment, so it can't be garbage collected. Witness:
> environment(a)$montePython
[1] "I'm not dead yet!!"