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Python, stripping the characters off a tuple

First post! I am doing a basic python program, this stuff is very advanced for me :D, and I want to strip off the characters ' , () from a tuple when it is printed. What I have, that prints the list out without stripping, is:

    view = map(str, listplanets)

"listplanets" is the name for the tuple, though you guys probably know this XD. I tried view = map(str, listplanets).strip("\"',") and I have tried moving this strip command to every place I could think of. I always get an error saying that the map does not have the attribute strip. If I convert the tuple into a string like so view(str(listplanets)) it will print out each character on a separate line rather than each tuple item. This is the output that I get:

('Mercury', 0.378)
('Venus', 0.907)
('Mars', 0.377)
('Io', 0.1835)
('Europa', 0.1335)
('Ganymede', 0.1448)
('Callisto', 0.1264)

It would be greatly appreciated if someone can answer this for me :).


  • lines = ['{} {}'.format(planet, n) for planet, n in listplanets]