I have implemented an argument to be passed between fragments in nav_graph, however when I attempt to set the argument in the originating fragment, the argument is not found by the NavDirections.
Note that Navigation works fine before trying to pass the argument.
If I do a Clean Project I lose the NavDirections. If I do a Rebuild I lose the argument.
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$nav_version"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:$nav_version"
apply plugin: "androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin"
app:destination="@id/destination_fltHistory" />
app:destination="@id/destination_statistics" />
app:destination="@id/destination_newFlight" />
app:destination="@id/destination_fltDetails" />
app:argType="string" />
and in my Home Fragment I get the error "Unresolved reference: fltData"
card_nextFlight.setOnClickListener {
val actionDetails = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeToFltDetails()
actionDetails.fltData ( flightData.toString())
flightData is a data class
data class FlightDTO(
var airlineName: String, var faCode: String, var fltNo: String, var aircraft: String,
var depAP: String, var arrAP: String, var schedDep: String, var schedArr: String,
var date: String, var leg: Int = 0, var actDep: String = "", var actArr: String = "" ){
override fun toString(): String {
return "$airlineName $faCode $fltNo $aircraft $depAP $schedDep $arrAP $schedDep $date"
I want to pass the class ideally by making the class Parcelable, but until I can pass a string, there is no point venturing down the parcel line.
Rather than pass a data class, I have created a JSON String and passed a string
card_nextFlight.setOnClickListener {
val dataString = flightData.toJSONString()
val actionDetails = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeToFltDetails(dataString)
To get this to work I had to modify the actionHomeToFltDetails function to receive a string in HomeFragmentsDirections
fun actionHomeToFltDetails(fltData: String): NavDirections = ActionHomeToFltDetails(fltData)
I could not get @Lucho approach to handle the arg in the destination fragment to work so reverted to bundle management, and converted the JSON string back to a data class
const val ARG_PARAM1 = "fltData"
arguments?.let {
argFltData = it.getString(ARG_PARAM1)
Log.e("args","Passed Argument: $argFltData")
fltData = gson.fromJson(argFltData, FlightDTO::class.java)
Thanks again for your input and I hope this helps someone else through the drama.