I have an iOS app in Swift that implements the paymentQueue(_:shouldAddStorePayment:for:)
method in SKPaymentTransactionObserver
. When I am porting this app to Mac using Mac Catalyst, however, whenever I try to compile and run it on Mac it gives me this compile error which says "Cannot override 'paymentQueue' which has been marked unavailable".
I tried adding #if os(iOS) ... #endif
and @available(iOS 11, *)
statements around the paymentQueue
method but it still gives me this error.
Here is the error-ridden code currently:
#if os(iOS)
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment, for product: SKProduct) -> Bool {
return true
Anyone else encountering this problem?
You can prevent code from being compiled into a Mac Catalyst build with the !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue,
shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment,
for product: SKProduct) -> Bool {
return true