I have a property defined in properties file.Note client1 prefix, which is calculated dynamically when request hits.
i have 2 variables defined in my flow;
<set-variable value="#[attributes.headers.'x-client-id']" doc:name="ClientId" doc:id="1e33f179" variableName="clientid"/>
Here attributes.headers.'x-client-id'
<set-variable value="'#[vars.clientid]'++'_'++'applicationid'" doc:name="applicationId" doc:id="9df0420e" variableName="applicationid"/>
In the above if i access #[vars.applicationd]
it will print client1_appilicationid
as value. but i want 'OBCDSEFT
' as value. How I can define applicationId
variable to get that?
You are just concatenating the client id header value with the suffix, however that will not read a property value. You should use the p() function to read properties values.
The expression should be something like this: #[p(vars.clientid++'_'++'applicationid')]