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Qt QML anchors issue

i've a problem with anchors in QML file, this code is not working, the anchors.left is not apply to the text, the text stay in the checkbox :

    objectName: "chkRemenber"
    id: chkRemenber
Text {
    id: labRemenber
    text: "REMENBER"
    anchors.left: chkRemenber.right

But if i don't use my own component, but an image, it's working, the text is on the left of chkRemenber2 :

Image {
    id: chkRemenber2
    width: 30
    height: 30
    source: "../checkbox_on.png"
    fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit;
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: toggle()
Text {
    id: labRemenber2
    text: "REMENBER"
     anchors.left: chkRemenber2.right

this is the code of my checkbox :

import QtQuick 1.0

Rectangle {
id: container
property bool pressed: false
property string src: "../checkbox_off.png"

function toggle (){
    if (container.state == "on")
        container.state = "off";
        container.state = "on";
    console.log("CLICK ! " + container.state);

Image {
    id: checkBoxImg
    width: 30
    height: 30
    source: src
    fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit;

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: toggle()
states: [
    State {
        name: "on"
        PropertyChanges { target: checkBoxImg; source: "../checkbox_on.png" }
        PropertyChanges { target: container; pressed: true }

    State {
        name: "off"
        PropertyChanges { target: checkBoxImg; source: "../checkbox_off.png" }
        PropertyChanges { target: container; pressed: false }


  • I think that because there are no dimensions on anchors specified for your Checkbox component the QML Engine doesn't know how to position it. Try these options.

    • Specify Dimensions(height,Width) or anchors to the Checkbox component
    • Use a 'Column' or 'Row' Item so you don't have to micro manage layouts.