I am experiencing an issue on my EKS cluster (kubernetes version 1.14). I am trying to install JupyterHub (version 0.8.2) onto the EKS cluster, via helm+tiller.
Install appears to succeed, but the proxy-public service fails to create an ELB. See the output of "kubectl describe svc" below:
The app install/deployment fails with an error event.
> kubectl describe svc
Name: proxy-public
Namespace: jhub
Labels: app=jupyterhub
Warning CreatingLoadBalancerFailed 1m (x6 over 3m) service-controller Error creating load balancer (will retry): failed to ensure load balancer for service jhub/proxy-public: could not find any suitable subnets for creating the ELB
My EKS cluster is associated with 3 subnets, 2 private and 1 public. I would think that the ELB could be placed in the public subnet?
EKS requires subnets to be tagged in order to be used for load balancer creation. To be considered an eligible subnet, tag it with the following: kubernetes.io/role/elb: shared
. For more info, see the knowledge portal article on subnet tagging for EKS.