I am trying to install redhat (rhel8) in virtualBox 6.1 on a windows 10 64 bit Home edition machine.
I verified the checksum of the iso file after download and its correct (I compared the checksum against another friend iso file who is able to install properly), still I am getting exception like
dnf.exceptions.error some packages from local repository have incorrect checksum
I even tried to run troubleshooting, but it raise exceptin like failed to start media check on /dev/sr0 virtualbox I have downloaded the iso files from multiple places and every time it gives me the same exception. Any help is highly aprreciated.
Finally I found the reason for the above error.
Virtual Box uses virtualization to run multiple Operating Systems and in one system (let's say a windows machine) only one of the application will be allowed to use system virtualization capability. So we have to disable any manual virtualization if performed in the system.
Press Windows logo key + X, then hit A to run Command Prompt as administrator. In Command Prompt window, type
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
and hit Enter key to execute this command.
Finally restart system.