I'm stacking with a problem: I'm trying to create a list of floats in a single column of my .xlsx file. And I have this IndexError: tuple index out of range
x = []
ws = wb.active
columnX = ws['L']
for i in range(len(columnX)):
if columnX[i+1].value != '-': %Just because in some cells of this column I have '-'
When I try another version of code:
x = []
ws = wb.active
columnX = ws['L']
for i in range(len(columnX)):
if columnX[i].value != '-' or columnX[i].value != 'Point of Regard Right X [px]': %Just because first cell contain 'Point of Regard Right X [px]'
I have this error: ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Point of Regard Right X [px]
So, can anybody help me, please?
pandas (with xlrd) usually does the trick for me:
import pandas
df = pandas.read_excel('sample_data1(dynamics).xlsx')
col_values_list = list(df[col])
pandas will handle the conversion of the values to float.