I'm working with r and i'm trying to get from a KML file the geographic coordinates (lat and long). I'm using a KML file that i created in Google Earth and i get the coordinates in right way using st_read()
from sf package
in the next code:
Google_earth_kml <- st_read("prueba_direcciones_google_earth.kml")
The thing is that i get the next table:
Name description Geometry
store 1 address: Barros Luco 2058<br>RUT: 08.180.861-9 c(-71.6132, -33.5985683, 0)
store 2 address: AVENIDA DOMINGO SANTA MARIA 1789<br>RUT: 76.585.397-4 c(-70.6639313, -33.4155609, 0)
And i want to get a table like:
Name address Rut long lat
store 1 Barros Luco 2058 08.180.861-9 -71.6132 -33.5985683
store 2 AVENIDA DOMINGO SANTA MARIA 1789 76.585.397-4 -70.6639313 -33.4155609
This is just a little part of my data. I know that maybe you will need the KML file but for reasons of politics and privacy i cant share it.
I wonder if someone can give me an opinion or other point of view. Any help will be grateful thanks.
We can use st_coordinates()
for this.
For the data, I just found an example KML file with point geometries online. I recommend trying that when you have data you are unable to share in the future.
sample_KML <- "https://github.com/mapbox/Simple-KML/raw/master/sample/example.kml"
KML_sf <- st_read(sample_KML) %>%
slice(1:4) # keep only the first 4 rows. The 5th row is a polygon
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 2 fields
geometry type: POINT
dimension: XYZ
bbox: xmin: -122.6819 ymin: -22.90833 xmax: 28.97602 ymax: 64.13333
z_range: zmin: 0 zmax: 0
CRS: 4326
Name Description geometry
1 Portland POINT Z (-122.6819 45.52 0)
2 Rio de Janeiro POINT Z (-43.19639 -22.9083...
3 Istanbul POINT Z (28.97602 41.01224 0)
4 Reykjavik POINT Z (-21.93333 64.13333 0)
output <- KML_sf %>%
mutate(long = st_coordinates(.)[,1],
lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2])
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 4 fields
geometry type: POINT
dimension: XYZ
bbox: xmin: -122.6819 ymin: -22.90833 xmax: 28.97602 ymax: 64.13333
z_range: zmin: 0 zmax: 0
CRS: 4326
Name Description geometry long lat
1 Portland POINT Z (-122.6819 45.52 0) -122.68194 45.52000
2 Rio de Janeiro POINT Z (-43.19639 -22.9083... -43.19639 -22.90833
3 Istanbul POINT Z (28.97602 41.01224 0) 28.97602 41.01224
4 Reykjavik POINT Z (-21.93333 64.13333 0) -21.93333 64.13333
And if you want to get rid of the geometry column:
output %>% st_drop_geometry()
Name Description long lat
1 Portland -122.68194 45.52000
2 Rio de Janeiro -43.19639 -22.90833
3 Istanbul 28.97602 41.01224
4 Reykjavik -21.93333 64.13333