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Svelte store not triggered when value chages, only when $: is prefixed

As I understand, when using Svelte store with $ prefixed it's automatically subscribed to value changes.

Having the following code, whenever store value is changed it should trigger one of the two statements.

    if (!$ {
        list = Promise.reject({message:'You are not allowed to view this section!'});
    } else {
        list = getList('api/carousel/' + escape(term));

But the only way the previous code is working is when the if statement it's prefixed by "$:".

$: if (!$ { ...

So why is need the extra reactive dollar sign if it's already subscribed to store value changes?


  • Your component init script, that is the code inside the<script> tag, is not reactive. It runs once when your component is created and that's all. Think class constructor.

    Only the code in reactive blocks $: is kept in sync and reruns when (reactive) variables they contain change.

    The $ prefix gives you the value inside the store. In your example, the user variable is the store itself. console.log it, you'll see it is an object with a subscribe method etc. The prefixed variable gives you the value inside the store. Behind the scene, Svelte makes a subscription to the store (i.e. calls its subscribe method) when your component is created, and unsubscribes when it is destroyed.

    Meanwhile, if the value changes, the $ prefixed variable will be reactive. But it will only have an effect if it sits in a reactive context. That is, either a reactive expression/statement $:, or in the markup. This is true for any reactive source (props, top level variables...).