I have an event that triggers every ten seconds that updates text fields within a form.
I get runtime error that I can't assign a value to an object.
The field is a text field with no restrictions or input masks. It doesn't have the error on all records. The table is formatted to short text.
'On Error GoTo ObjectError
If [AircraftTailNumber].[Column](0) <> 0 Then
[WorkflowName] = [model] & "-" & [AircraftTailNumber].[Column](0) & "-(" & [DepartmentBox] & ")-" & [Scheduled Release:] & "-" & [Task_ID] & "-" & [New Description Of Model:]
[SmartTeam WIR:] = "WIR " & [AircraftTailNumber].[Column](0) & " " & [New Model Title:] & " REV " & [NewRevTileBox]
[LD# Full Name:] = "LD_" & [AircraftTailNumber].[Column](0) & "_" & [New Model Title:] & " REV " & [NewRevTileBox] & "_" & [New Description Of Model:]
[OffBoardEmail] = "Offboard Workflow " & [Workflow (SAV#)] & "-" & [Task_ID] & "-" & [New Model Title:] & " REV " & [NewRevTileBox] & " " & [New Model Description]
The records having the error today, did not have the error yesterday.
There have been no modifications to the tables and no changes to the record.
I might log on tomorrow and find there are no errors.
The db is run on a server environment, I brought the FE and BE to my desktop and it worked.
I have record level locks so maybe this has to do with logging out and logging back in and the record not resetting so it thinks someone is accessing?
For some reason the records are locked from when i last used them, so when the timer event triggers it tries to update locked fields and causes the error. It's best practice i think to do edit record locks, but if this does happen i don't know how to unlock the record without kicking everyone off the DB and deleting the .laccdb file.