Since there seems to be no support in Strapi for an OR clause yet ( ), I'm using Bookshelf directly like:
const result = await strapi.query('friendship')
where: { user1: 1 },
orWhere: { user2: 1 }
Now, usually you can sanitize your data using:
sanitizeEntity(entities, { model: strapi.models.friendship });
but that won't work here, since we basically left the abstraction of Strapi, right? Could I still somehow sanitize the data by comparing it to the model or something like that?
Since you're accessing bookshelf directly, you'll need to convert the result set to json. Bookshelf has a toJSON
helper for this. sanitizeEntity
as the name implies, can only be used on a single entity result.
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
module.exports = {
async findFriends(){
const entities = await strapi.query('friendship')
where: { user1: 1 },
orWhere: { user2: 1 }
.then(results => results.toJSON());
return => sanitizeEntity( {
model: strapi.models.friendship
} ))
If you want to dig deeper, you can inspect your node_modules for this file
. This is how strapi sets up the find
service helper for your model.
function find(params, populate, { transacting } = {}) {
const filters = convertRestQueryParams(params);
return model
.query(buildQuery({ model, filters }))
withRelated: populate,
.then(results => results.toJSON());