I have a spring boot rsocket implementation where if a client cancels or closes their rsocket request then I want to cancel other subscription registrations on the server.
In the logs on the spring boot server I can see that a cancel message is sent or received:
WARN i.r.t.n.s.WebsocketServerTransport$1 [reactor-http-nio-3] received WebSocket Close Frame - connection is closing
INFO r.u.Loggers$Slf4JLogger [reactor-http-nio-3] cancel()
How do I capture and handle this cancel signal?
I tried cancel endpoints but these don't capture the signal:
Flux<Object> onCancel() {
log.info("Captured cancel signal");
Flux<Object> onCancel2() {
log.info("Captured cancel2 signal");
This question on cancel subscriptions is possibly related, and this question on detecting websocket disconnection
To capture the cancel signal you can use subscribe to onClose()
In your controller
class RSocketConnectionController {
fun onConnect(rSocketRequester: RSocketRequester, clientId: String) {
// rSocketRequester.rsocket().dispose() //to reject connection
.subscribe(null, null, {
log.info("{} just disconnected", clientId)
//TODO here whatever you want
Your client needs to send the SETUP frame properly to invoke this @ConnectMapping
. If you use rsocket-js
you need to add a payload like this:
const client = new RSocketClient({
// send/receive JSON objects instead of strings/buffers
serializers: {
data: JsonSerializer,
metadata: IdentitySerializer
setup: {
//for connection mapping on server
payload: {
data: 'unique-client-id', //TODO you can receive this data on server side
metadata: String.fromCharCode("client-id".length) + "client-id"
// ms btw sending keepalive to server
keepAlive: 60000,