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with spring boot rsocket capture the cancel frame type

I have a spring boot rsocket implementation where if a client cancels or closes their rsocket request then I want to cancel other subscription registrations on the server.

In the logs on the spring boot server I can see that a cancel message is sent or received:

WARN i.r.t.n.s.WebsocketServerTransport$1 [reactor-http-nio-3] received WebSocket Close Frame - connection is closing
INFO r.u.Loggers$Slf4JLogger [reactor-http-nio-3] cancel()

How do I capture and handle this cancel signal?

I tried cancel endpoints but these don't capture the signal:

Flux<Object> onCancel() {"Captured cancel signal");


Flux<Object> onCancel2() {"Captured cancel2 signal");

This question on cancel subscriptions is possibly related, and this question on detecting websocket disconnection


  • To capture the cancel signal you can use subscribe to onClose() event.

    In your controller

    class RSocketConnectionController {
        fun onConnect(rSocketRequester: RSocketRequester, clientId: String) {
    //        rSocketRequester.rsocket().dispose()   //to reject connection
                    .subscribe(null, null, {
              "{} just disconnected", clientId)
                        //TODO here whatever you want

    Your client needs to send the SETUP frame properly to invoke this @ConnectMapping. If you use rsocket-js you need to add a payload like this:

    const client = new RSocketClient({
            // send/receive JSON objects instead of strings/buffers
            serializers: {
              data: JsonSerializer,
              metadata: IdentitySerializer
            setup: {
              //for connection mapping on server
              payload: {
                data: 'unique-client-id',   //TODO you can receive this data on server side
                metadata: String.fromCharCode("client-id".length) + "client-id"
              // ms btw sending keepalive to server
              keepAlive: 60000,