Problem: I want to add a second picture to the top right corner in the header. Currently, I am able to place one in the top left corner but not in the top right.
Any suggestions how to do that?
## app.R ##
ui <- dashboardPage(
header = dashboardHeader( titleWidth = NULL,
title = tags$b("Testapp",
tags$a(href = '',
tags$img(src = 'mick.png', height = 50, width = 50, align = "left"))
## QUESTION: how can I add the picture to the top right corner
tags$head(tags$img(src = 'mick.png', height = 50, width = 50, align = "right"))
server <- function(input, output) { }
shinyApp(ui, server)
Shinydashboard expects a li
element with class dropdown
. If we give it that (replace tags$head(...)
with the below):
tags$li(tags$img(src = 'mick.png', height = 50, width = 50, align = "right"), class = "dropdown")
it works.