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Where is the Add to Cart button in journal3 theme?

So I am using journal3 theme (opencart) and I can't seem to find where's the Add to Cart button at.

enter image description here

I know that Buy Now & Question buttons are at Journal > Product Extras > Product Extra Button

But where can I find the Add to Cart button and edit its content? (text, behavior, etc.)

Please any clue would matter the world to me I've been searching it for two consecutive nights.


  • Made a research for you.

    Product page button text you will find in language file catalog/language/en-gb/en-gb.php, line

    $_['button_cart']           = 'Add to Cart';

    Icon and setting of this button you will find in

    Journal > Styles > Product Page > DEFAULT

    On this setting page find Buttons > Add to Cart