If we want to create an INDArray
of given rows and columns filled with random number between 0 and 1
we can use:
Nd4j.rand(row, cols);
But what if we want INDArray
of given rows and columns filled with random number between -5000 and 5000
Moreover, what if each column / vector has random number selected from specific range?
For example:
row = 2; columns = 3
pool = { {-500, 500}, {100, 100}, {1, 10} }
INDArray = [ [randRange(-500,500), randRange(100,100), randRange(1,10)],
[randRange(-500,500), randRange(100,100), randRange(1,10)] ]
How can this be achieved by harnessing the efficiency of Nd4j?
Use other signatures.
I.e this one:
Nd4j.rand(long[] shape, double min, double max, org.nd4j.linalg.api.rng.Random rng);
or this one:
Nd4j.rand(INDArray target, double min, double max, org.nd4j.linalg.api.rng.Random rng);